MaGio Bike Tour – Il giro del mondo in bicicletta

Why? – The reason of departure and Goals

The friendship: not only the film “Into the Wild” has taught us that there is no happiness if it is not shared. The journey is not solitary but at least in pairs, to share the joys but also the hard times, hoping that in the road we will know new people and maybe old friends will join us to do some miles together.

Education: We believe strongly that a world more educated can be a better world. The civic education, school education, environmental education encourage us to cycle trying to come back better, trying to leave something to those who hadn’t the luck to be forced to study, to respect the environment, to understand others.

The bike is the vehicle more responsible to move, the most ecological in the world, the most optimal in cost-benefit ratio. In addition, the bicycle goes at the best speed to observe, to capture the nuances between one place and another.

Integration: we know that one of the main obstacles of the voyage are the frontiers, the bureaucracies that deny the passage. The difficult and utopian concept of freedom of movement can be a first aid to integration more and more necessary among peoples. We would like to bring a little of Europe in the World and a bit of the world in Europe, speaking “bad” more languages ​​to reduce geographical distances.

Know ourself: know our limitation, our fears and then defeat our pre-concepts and overcome the typical italian cultural baggage. Understand how our personality reacts outside the safe nest of the Western world.

Know a little about the World: the aim is to bring home a useful experience for those who do not have the luck or the desire to make a journey so extreme. The aim of the cultural exchange should be the collective growth, taking the great travelers as a model.